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Sections: A1: What is this document
all about? 01: What is this document? 02: How is this document made
available? 03: Who maintains this? 04: Where did this information come
from? 05: How can I contribute? 06: How may this document be
distributed? 07: Got anything else you'd like to add? 08: Glossary.
02: What is a UPS and how does is work? 01: What is a UPS? 02: How do
you pronounce " UPS" ? 03: Vendor X says that (description) is a UPS, is
it? 04: Describe the types of UPS's? 05: How can a UPS help me? 06:
What sort of stuff does a UPS do? 07: How long can equipment on a UPS keep
running? 08: What is a " good" UPS? 09: Support contracts on UPS's.
10: Self maintenance tips. 11: Is a UPS a glorified power strip? 12:
How important is the UPS output waveform? 03: UPS monitoring/shutdown
software. 01: Can a UPS shut the computer down when power is low? 02:
Can I write my own shutdown routines? 03: What freely distributable
solutions are there? 04: No UPS software works on my machines, what to
do? 05: What other software is out there. 04: How big a UPS do I
need? 01: How are UPS sizes determined? 02: What VA rating do I
need? 03: How do I determine this? 04: What else should I consider?
05: Can I use an UPS with a laser printer? 06: What UPS sizes do you use on
what equipment? 05: Specific manufacturer's info. 01: What vendors are
there? 02: UPS Hardware. 03: UPS Software only. 04: Other
companies. 06: Bibliography 07: Acknowledgments
----------------------------- 01: TOPIC: What is this document all
about? 01.01 Q: What is this document? A: This is a FAQ
document on Uninterruptable Power Sources. It is intended to provide a
starting point for those people that want to find out what they are, what
they do, and what's available. Note that most of this document is very
US-centric. The power numbers, companies and services all emphasize US
consumer needs. Sorry, but that's what I have to work with. All the
principles discussed here should be applicable just about everywhere.
01.02 Q: How is this document made available? A: Currently, its "
home" is comp.misc. It is also cross posted to comp.unix.admin,
comp.sys.sun.hardware, comp.sys.hp.hardware, comp.sys.sgi.hardware,
comp.sys.next.hardware, comp.sys.ibm.hardware, comp.sys.dec, comp.answers
and news.answers. This posting is automated and will occur on or near
the 10th of each month. If there are other groups to which this document
should be posted, please let me know, but if I post it to every group where
UPS questions get asked, that would be a lot of groups. I'm open to
suggestions. This document is also available via anonymous FTP. The
master sits on navigator.jpl.nasa.gov ( in pub/doc/faq as
the file UPS.faq. It is also available via anonymous FTP from rtfm.mit.edu
in: pub/Usenet-by-group/comp.misc/Uninterruptable_Power_Source_FAQ
01.03 Q: Who maintains this? A: Right now, this document is
writen by Nick Christenson 01.04 Q: Where did this information come
from? A: Thankfully, many people have rallied to my cry to fill in the
many gaps in my original draft. This is now a group work, although I claim
full responsibility for misstatements and inaccuracies.
01.05 Q: How can I contribute? A: You should mail new information,
corrections, suggestions, etc. to the current maintainer of this FAQ. If
you provide a suggestion, make sure you reference where the information is
located in the document. I guarantee that suggestions of the form " Change
the word 'always' to 'almost always' in the part about surge suppression."
will be ignored. 01.06 Q: Are there any restrictions on
distribution of this document? A: This document is copyright by the author.
You are encouraged to distribute this document for any non-commercial
purpose as long as the contents remain unchanged and a pointer to an
up-to-date version is included. 01.07 Q: Got anything else
you'd like to add? A: Yes, now that you mention it. The people who
contribute to this document can speak only about equipment they have
experience with. This may reflect a bias toward or against certain brands,
features, functions, etc.. Please keep in mind that the suggestions,
brand names and functions here are by no means exhaustive, or even
necessarily applicable to your situation. Also, if you have information
that is not in this document, please submit it to the maintainer listed
above. If you submit information, please say whether you'd like it to be
attributed to you or not. I am more than glad to give credit to the fine
people who helped with this document, but I want to respect the anonymity
of those people who would prefer it. One more caveat: While the
principles of UPS design and maintenance are likely to be fairly
universal, the power figures in this FAQ are *very* US-centric. Sorry, but
they're the only numbers I have. 01.08 Q: Glossary A:
This was contributed almost entirely by some kind soul. I just cleaned it
up a bit. Blackout: Complete loss of power. Some literature considers
a voltage drop below about 80V to be a blackout as well since most
equipment will not operate below these levels. Sag or Brownout:
Decrease in voltage levels which can last for periods ranging from
fractions of a second to hours. Can be caused by heavy equipment coming on
line such as shop tools, elevators, compressors etc. Also occurs when
utility companies deliberately do this to cope with peak load times.
Spike: An instantaneous and tremendous increase in voltage often
caused by a direct lightning strike on a power line or when power returns
after a blackout. Surge: An substantial increase in voltage lasting a
small fraction of a second, often caused when high powered appliances such
as air conditioners are switched off. EMI/RFI Noise:
Electromagnetic Interference and Radio Frequency Interference. Caused by,
inter alia, lightning, generators, radio transmitters, industrial
equipment. MOV: Metal Oxide Varistors used to control spikes. These
are common in Power Strips. If you see more than two, you likely have a
fairly decent Power Strip. They look like largish disk capacitors.
Inverter: Circuitry that converts DC battery power to AC power required by
most computer equipment. Surge Protector: Circuitry consisting of
MOVs, capacitors, rod-core inductors etc. for suppressing surges and spikes
usually embedded in a power strip. Line Conditioner: A transformer
that attempts to smooth out fluctuations in input voltage to provide near
uniform output voltage or voltage waveform. 02: TOPIC:
What is a UPS and how does is work? 02.01 Q: What is a UPS? A:
An Uninterruptable Power Source is a device that sits between a power
supply (e.g. a wall outlet) and a device (e.g. a computer) to prevent
undesired features of the power source (outages, sags, surges, bad
harmonics, etc.) from the supply from adversely affecting the performance
of the device. 02.02 Q: How do you pronounce " UPS" ? A: I
pronounce it " ups" , but most of the literature seems to favor " you pee
ess" , since they use " a UPS" instead of " an UPS" . This document will
try to follow the literature. 02.03 Q: Vendor X says that (fill in
description) is a UPS, but it's different that what you describe above.
Who's right? A: There really is no standard definition of what a UPS is.
Anything ranging from a 9 volt battery backup in a clock radio to a
building/compound wide backup generator has been called a UPS by someone.
The majority of this document refers to objects larger than a beer can and
smaller than a desk that help devices remain temporarily operational when
changes to the power they receive would otherwise interrupt their
function. Maintaining power to a minicomputer (like a VAX 11) is
beyond the scope of this document. This FAQ deals with UPS equipment
that can be installed by a computer owner/administrator. If you have
requirements that large, you need to talk to a qualified electrician.
02.04 Q: Can you give me some more information on this? A: (Kindly
provided by Don Deal, my additions are in [square brackets] ) The
UPS industry is made up of many manufacturers, and there is a lack of
standard terms within the industry. I think this sometimes borders on
deliberate misdirection. (It's a jungle out there!) There are
basically three different types of devices, all of which are occasionally
passed off as UPSs. 1. Standby power supply (SPS). In this type of
supply, power is usually derived directly from the power line, until power
fails. After power failure, a battery powered inverter turns on to
continue supplying power. Batteries are charged, as necessary, when line
power is available. This type of supply is sometimes called an " off-line"
UPS. The quality and effectiveness of this class of devices varies
considerably however, they are generally quite a bit cheaper than "
true" UPSs. The time required for the inverter to come online, typically
called the switchover time, varies by unit. While some computers may be
able to tolerate long switchover times, your mileage may vary. [ Some
articles in the trade press have claimed that their testing shows that
modern PCs can withstand transfer times of 100ms or more. Most UPS units
claim a transfer time to battery of about 4ms. Note that even if a
computer can stay up for 100ms, it doesn't mean that 100ms switchover is
okay. Damage can still be done to a computer or data on it even if it
stays up. ] Other features to look for in this class of supplies
is line filtering and/or other line conditioners. Since appliances
connected to the supply are basically connected directly from the power
line, SPSs provide relatively poor protection from line noise, frequency
variations, line spikes, and brownouts. [Some SPS's claim to have
surge/spike suppression circuitry as well as transformers to " boost"
voltage without switching to the battery if a modest voltage drop occurs.
An example is the " APC Smart UPS" which claims it will switch to this
boosting mode if voltage drops below 103V (from the normal expected 120V)
and switches to battery only at 90V and below. This, it is claimed,
allows operation of the equipment indefinitely under brownout conditions
as long as voltage does not drop below 90V. I have not tested this, and
would be interested in independent data. There are other vendors products
that make similar claims.] 2. Hybrid UPS systems. I only know one
vendor who sells them - Best Power, Inc. The theory behind these devices
is fairly simple. When normal operating line power is present, the supply
conditions power using a ferroresonant transformer. This transformer
maintains a constant output voltage even with a varying input voltage and
provides good protection against line noise. The transformer also
maintains output on its secondary briefly when a total outage occurs.
Best claims that their inverter then goes online so quickly that it is
operating without any interruption in power. Other UPS vendors maintain
that the transition is less than seamless, but then again it's not in
their best interest to promote Best's products. Best has a sizable
part of the UPS market. [ Note: According to some sources,
ferroresonant transformers in an UPS system can interact with ferroresonant
transformers in your equipment and produce unexpected results. The Moral:
Again, test before you buy. -npc ] 3. What I call " true" UPS
systems, those supplies that continuously operate from an inverter.
Obviously, there is no switchover time, and these supplies generally
provide the best isolation from power line problems. The disadvantages to
these devices are increased cost, increased power consumption, and
increased heat generation. Despite the fact that the inverter in a " true"
UPS is always on, the reliability of such units does not seem to be
affected. In fact, we have seen more failures in cheaper SPS units. [
Note, though, that given the same quality inverter, you'd expect the one
that runs least to last longest. ] 02.05 Q: How can it help me?
A: A UPS has internal batteries to guarantee that continuous power is
provided to the equipment even if the power supply stops providing power.
Of course the UPS can provide power for a while, typically a few minutes,
but that is often enough to ride out power company glitches or short
outages. Advantages: 1) Computer jobs don't stop because the power
fails. 2) Users not inconvenienced by computer shutting down. 3)
Equipment does not incur the stress of another (hard) power cycle. 4)
Data isn't lost because a machine shut down without doing a " sync" or
equivalent to flush cached or real time data. 02.06 Q: What
sort of stuff does a UPS do? A: A UPS traditionally can perform the
following functions: 1) Absorb relatively small power surges. 2) Smooth
out noisy power sources. 3) Continue to provide power to equipment during
line sags. 4) Provide power for some time after a blackout has
occurred. In addition, some UPS or UPS/software combinations provide
the following functions: 1) Automatic shutdown of equipment during long
power outages. 2) Monitoring and logging of the status of the power
supply. 3) Display the Voltage/Current draw of the equipment. 4)
Restart equipment after a long power outage. 5) Display the voltage
currently on the line. 6) Provide alarms on certain error conditions.
7) Provide short circuit protection. 02.07 Q: How long can
equipment on a UPS keep running after the power goes? A: How big a UPS
do you have and what kind of equipment does it protect? For most typical
computer workstations, one might have a UPS that was rated to keep the
machine alive through a 15 minute power loss. If you need a machine to
survive hours without power should probably look at a more robust
power backup solution. Even if a UPS has a very small load, it must still
operate it's DC (battery) to AC converter, which costs power. A rough
extrapolation from APC's documentation, leads me to guess that a 2000 VA
UPS can operate it's own converter (with no extra load) for just over 8
hours. A 1250 VA UPS could run its converter for about 5. These are *very*
rough guesses based on information provided by one vendor for one
vendor. 02.08 Q: Given the same vendor claims, how can I tell a "
good" quality UPS from a " poor" quality UPS? A: Testing, testing,
testing. I can't emphasize this enough. There are many good and bad units
out there that call themselves UPS's. There are many good units that are
wrong for your situation. Caveat Emptor. Some properties you might
look for are: 1) Sinusoidal power output. In general, the closer the AC
output of the UPS is to a sine wave, the better it is for your
equipment. Many UPS units, especially the cheaper ones, deviate a
great deal from a sinusoidal output. Some of them generate square
waves. Waveform effects are dealt with in section 2.12. 2) Does the UPS
have a manual bypass switch? If the UPS is broken or is being serviced,
can you pass power through it to your equipment? The last thing you want
is for a broken UPS to be the cause of extra downtime. 3) The more
information about a UPS's operation you can get from watching the unit
itself, the better. How much power (or percentage load) the equipment is
drawing, how much battery life is left and indications of the input power
quality are all very useful. 4) Some newer UPS's can communicate with
their monitoring software via network connection and SNMP! This is
wonderful *if* your network is on a UPS! Also, beware, I have heard of
dealers advertising " Network UPS" monitoring where the network is the
normal serial connection (no SLIP or PPP). 5) Does the UPS vendor offer
support/maintenance contracts. If they don't even offer them, I would
suspect the quality of the equipment. If you do have a UPS that
does not output a sinusoidal waveform, some manufacturers *strongly* urge
you to not put a surge protector between the UPS and the computer. The
surge protector might mistake the non-sine waveform as a power surge and
try to send it to ground. This could be bad for your UPS. I don't know if
this has happened or not, but I wouldn't chance it. 02.09 Q:
Should I make sure I have a support/maintenance contract for my UPS
systems? A: Some people strongly recommend this, but to be honest, I don't
know how important it is. I haven't had any UPS's long enough to have
enough of them fail to know what the failure modes are likely to be. Some
people, with more experience than I in these matters, insist that a UPS
support/maintenance contract is as important as your computer
support/maintenance contract. I can't argue with them. In any case, it's
almost certainly worth pricing at any rate. 02.10 Q: What
sort of maintenance can I perform myself? A: One good thing you might want
to do is periodically test the UPS's and their failure modes. A good time
to do this might be right after after a periodic level 0 backup. Nobody is
logged in and you've got full backups of the machines. Throw the
circuit breaker with the UPS on it to simulate and outage and see how the
transition goes. Note that some UPS vendors suggest that testing an UPS by
pulling the plug from the wall is *not* a good idea (Tripp Lite is one of
them). These UPS units like to have a good idea of what ground looks like.
It is likely that unplugging just about any UPS for a short amount of time
would not be too dangerous (don't take my word for it, though!), but in
all cases, throwing a circuit breaker would be a better thing to do.
It might be useful to install a GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) socket
to facilitate this testing without having to pull the plug, especially if
you don't have your UPS protected machines on an isolated circuit (which
you probably should). These are the sockets found in most modern kitchens
and bathrooms with a red and a black button. You push the latter to cut
power and the former to restore power. Those UPS units that use
lead-acid batteries (that's most of them, I'm told) do not have a battery
memory and should be run dry as few times as possible. It's probably not a
bad investment to do this once on one UPS out of a largish batch to learn
how much UPS time you can expect in a real power outage. Note:
depending on the manufacturer, UPS batters can be expected to last between
about 1 and 5 years before they ought to be replaced. As a UPS gets
older, its battery life will become shorter. Of course there's no way to
reliably test how long it is without running the battery down and you don't
want to do that because they have lead acid batteries. All of these are
very good reasons to get a support contract for them that includes
periodic battery replacement. At the very least, you can figure that the
batteries will still be good at the end of the UPS warranty figure, so
that's a good place to start guesswork. 02.11 Q: Isn't a UPS just
a glorified power strip/surge protector with some batteries and a little
power conditioning thrown in? A: Basically. It's also got a power inverter
and some other circuitry. It may also have a timer, thermometer or other
gadgets. 02.12 Q: How important is the UPS output waveform? A:
That's a good question, and one is worthy of some debate. One school of
thought holds that one should always run equipment on the best
approximation of sinusoidal input that one can, and that deviations produce
harmonics which may either be interpreted as signal if they get through a
power supply, or may actually damage the equipment. Another school holds
that since almost all computers use switching-type power supplies, which
only draw power at or near the peaks of the waveforms, the shape of the
input power waveform is not important. Who's right? I don't know. My
*opinion* is that sinusoidal output is worth the extra money, especially
for on-line UPS systems that continually provide their waveform to the
computer. Also, if you don't *know* that your equipment has a
switching-type power supply, you might want to think twice before buying a
low quality UPS. 03: TOPIC: UPS monitoring/shutdown
software. 03.01 Q: If the power is out for a long time, I would
like to have my computer automatically shut itself down gracefully before
the UPS batteries die. Can I do this? A: Yes. Most UPS manufacturers
support software that will do this for some UPS's on at least some
platforms. Ask your UPS vendor for details. Q: Okay, how about
restarting the system for me once power returns? A: Fewer software products
do this, but many do. Again, ask your vendor. I do not know of any freely
distributable products that will do this. It doesn't mean that they can't
be built, but vendor software is cheap enough (usually) that it's probably
not worth building. 03.02 Q: How does it work? I'm a starving
(fill in the blank) and I really don't want to pay for software unless I
absolutely have to. A: Usually, there is a serial connection running from a
UPS into your computer. The UPS sends information along the serial line
as it goes. If you can decode which pins contain which information, how the
information is formatted and figure out what it wants to hear from the
computer side, you're all set. Make sure you have the right serial cable
and know how the pins map between DB9 and DB25 as both your computer and
your UPS may take either. Since UPS units with network based
monitoring capabilities are appearing on the market, we can hopefully get
something that will communicate with those units. Here is a
skeleton script provided by Joe Moss, joe@morton.rain.com. Definitely check
this out as a starting point, but don't expect it to do anything meaningful
without some work. ---------start upsd.sh------------- #!
/bin/sh # Shut down system in case of extended power failure #
This should be the serial port to which the UPS is connected # This port
must be set to block on open until the DCD line # is asserted - many UNIX
systems have this determined by # the minor device number, if not, see if
there is some way # to enable this behavior on your system
PORT=/dev/ttya # Ok, this should block until there is a power
failure : > $PORT # If we reach this point, we've lost
power wall < < EOF The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!!
EOF # call shutdown (or init or whatever) exec shutdown
-----------end-------------------- 03.03 Q: Hmmm... that sounds
kinda complicated. Has someone already done this? A: Any solution would
almost certainly be vendor specific. However, some brave souls have
provided partial functionality for certain vendors' UPS's. I don't know the
original source, but I have a copy available for anonymous FTP at
navigator.jpl.nasa.gov in the pub/src/UPS directory as upsd.tar.Z. I
haven't tried it and I don't honestly know if it even works.
Note: Different UPS's produce different sorts of signals. Just installing
this already built package may require a great deal of work. The cabling
can be complicated, etc.. I would be interested in hearing where this
software does/doesn't work. Another good example, that probably works
straight away for SunOS 4.1.X machines using APC Back-UPS devices, is also
available on navigator for anonymous FTP in the pub/src/UPS directory
is pf.c. It was written by Ronald Florence (ron@mlfarm.com). It looks like
a nice framework for expansion to other OS platforms and UPS
implementations. Give it a try. 03.04 Q: I can't find monitoring
software that will work on my configuration. What should I do? A: Well,
it seems you have a few choices: 1) Build your own. See item 03.02. 2)
Use something freely distributable. See item 03.03. 3) Lean on your UPS
vendor to port to your platform. 4) Try a different vendor that supports
your platform. See item 05.01. 03.05 Q: What other software is
out there? A: Software packages for UPS machines are getting more
sophisticated. Most provide some level of power and status monitoring, but
lately there are more GUI's, more interactive packages, SNMP support,
and even call-out paging. See the software section 05.03 for more info.
04: TOPIC: How big a UPS do I need? 04.01 Q: How are
the " sizes" of UPS's determined? A: Typically, a UPS has a VA rating. The
VA rating is the maximum number of Volts * Amps it can deliver. The VA
rating is not the same as the power drain (in Watts) of the equipment.
Computers are notoriously non-resistive. A typical PF (power factor:
Watts/VA) for workstations may be as low as 0.6, which means that if you
record a drain of 100 Watts, you need a UPS with a VA rating of 167. Some
literature suggests that 0.7 may be a good conversion factor, but this
will depend heavily on the machine. WARNING: Don't take my word for it!
Note: Some UPS's can continue to deliver power if the VA rating is
exceeded, they merely can't provide above their VA rating if the power
goes. Some can't provide power above their VA rating at all. Some may
do something really nasty if you try. In any case, I *strongly* recommend
not doing this under *any* circumstances. 04.02 Q: How can I tell
what VA rating I need for my equipment? A: First, when possible, get VA
rather than wattage ratings. See Q04.01 above. There are a couple of
ways: 1) Direct measurement. You can get equipment to measure the
current draw of your equipment directly. You may or may not have access to
this. If you are part of an organization that has it's own
facilities/electrical type people, they're likely to be able to do this.
They might help you out if you ask nice. 2) Compare notes. If you know
someone with the same setup you're using, ask them what they use and how
close they are to the maximum VA rating. 3) Use a chart. Most vendors
can help you out for common equipment. If you have an unusual setup, or mix
vendors a lot, you're probably out of luck here. 4) Use the equipment
rating. Most pieces of computer equipment have a power rating on some back
panel. This number is usually high, as it is necessary for the
manufacturer to play it safe or they'll get sued. Note: Method 1 is by
far the best, method 2 and 3 are secondary, method 4 is usually overkill,
but pretty safe. There are some examples in section 4.6, but the
information is probably worth what you paid for it :-) 04.03
Q: Hmmm... seems like a tough thing to determine. A: Yeah, it can be. It's
also very important. If you get a UPS that's too big, then you've
overpaid, but your equipment can survive a longer outage. If you get a UPS
that's too small, then you could be in deep trouble. Therefore, I
recommend that you be conservative in buying these things, unfortunately,
this costs money. 04.04 Q: What else should I consider?
A: It would be nice to know how long your site's typical power outages
are. In some places, with nice weather and a flaky power grid, the power is
almost never out for more than 5 minutes, but this could happen quite
frequently. In this case, you may as well use a UPS with a VA rating close
to your equipment rating with no extra batteries. If your area has longer
outages, in the half hour or hour range, as is often the case in
thunderstorm country, you can either buy UPS's with multiples of the VA
rating of the equipment, since oversizing a VA rating for a UPS has the
effect of lengthening the amount of time your equipment can stay up in
case of a power outage, or you can buy additional battery units for a
smaller UPS. You can probably get away with doing simple math to determine
how much longer a larger UPS will keep your equipment running, but I
recommend running a few tests before committing to a large purchase
order. Also, your UPS vendor will almost certainly be glad to help you
size the equipment you need. If all else fails and you guess wrong, or
move equipment to a location with different power status, you may be
really, really glad if you bought a UPS that can have additional battery
packs added. 04.05 Q: How about I use one of these UPS thingies
for a laser printer? A: Don't *ever* do this. If you ever measured the
current draw of a laser printer during startup (and during printing)
you'd be stunned at what it pulls. All UPS manufacturers I know of tell
you not to do this. Okay, I have to back down from this. I know APC,
just as an example, now does rate some of their UPS units for use with
certain laser printers. Not that I think this is a good idea, mind
you. In general, they are difficult to size and rarely do they require the
same level of uptime as servers. In any case, don't do this without
specific approval of your UPS vendor. 04.06 Q: So, what sorts
of UPS sizes do you use on your equipment?A:
BIG DISCLAIMER. I disclaim everything about these
figures. At best, they are very, very rough. Heck, I may be lying.
Don't trust them. Here they are anyway. Note also, this is what the
equipment apparently PULLS, not the UPS sizes that are on them. Generally,
I've been using UPS's that are about 2X the VA ratings shown. At the
very least, I would using UPS sized 1.5X the VA ratings here. 400
VA: Sparc 2 with 3 600 MB disks, 1 200 MB disk, 1 exabyte 8200 tape
drive, 19" color monitor. 600 VA: HP 750 with 4 1.3 GB disks,
internal 4mm tape drive and internal CD-ROM drive, external disk cabinet
and 19" color monitor. 500 VA: SPARC 2GX clone. 1 1.2 GB disk, 4
2.0 GB disks, 2 tape drives, 1 CD-ROM drive, " big" monitor. 300
VA: Sparc 2 clone with 100W power supply, internal 424 disk, 16" color
monitor, external 1 GB disk drive. These are U.K. numbers, based on
240 V wall current. Most of these VA numbers are very close to " American"
VA numbers, but if my caveats weren't strong enough earlier... .
100 VA: SGI Indigo R4400, 48 MB RAM, 1 GB int. disk, no graphics, no
monitor. 580 VA: SGI Indigo R4400 configured as above with 17"
Sony monitor plus 3 19" monochrome X terminals. Another word of
warning, don't assume that power requirements scale with compute power and
number of peripherals, ESPECIALLY if they are different architectures.
Older equipment, CPU's, disks, monitors, whatever almost universally
requires more power than new equipment. For example, it seems that an
HP 9000/425e with 1 internal 420 MB disk and 19" color monitor pulls a
lot more power than a much more modern and much faster HP 9000/715 with an
internal 1.3 GB disk, CD-ROM drive and more modern 19" color monitor.
Again, the moral is don't assume.