April 17, 2023 | ||||||
HoTMetaL Pro 6.0 Updates, Patches 3 and 4 |
Disclaimer: We don't know the
current copyright owner of these copyrighted files. Softquad was bought by
Corel™, who sold it off to Blast Radius™, neither of which companies
support HoTMetaL Pro or have these files available. So as a public service we
are offering them for download here. We disclaim all responsibility for these
files, use them at your own risk. If the copyright owner of this material objects to our posting it please contact us and we will be happy to remove it. |
By the way, if
you have a copy of HoTMetal Pro 6.0 for sale you might want to drop us a line.
We get occasional e-mails from people looking for a copy. It is very sad that HoTMetaL Pro was abandoned it is easy to imagine the heights to which it would have reached. It is very difficult for Hotmetal users to move to an inferior product. I have tried a number of HTML editors with various degrees of frustration. However, the NVu program at NVu.com is surprisingly similar, though it isn't quite there and doesn't support Miva. Running HotMetal Pro on Windows 10 Lynn C has kindly contributed the following: I copied the Softquad folder from and to the Program Files x86 directory from a working installation of Version#: I copied the following files from and to the Windows/sysWOW64 directory: gear32sd.dll iglzw32s.dll I then opened the hmpro6.exe file with no issues. Seems to be working fine. Thank you for the info on your site. BTW, I was unable to run either of the patch files on Windows 10 no matter what compatibility I chose, but as long it is patched before copying everything works fine. Running HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 on Windows 8.1 Colin Feruson writes:I just got a new computer with Windows 8.1 and Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.14 set to run Windows XP. With this I was able to install HotMetal Pro and apply the Patch 4 without difficulty. The program runs fine. Thanks for making the patch available. Running HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 on Windows 7 It works, oh happy day. Here is how I did it. I installed the main disk fine. But without the patches it didn't work correctly. The patches were impossible to apply, even though I upgraded to Windows 7 Professional, still no luck under any compatiblity mode (we will now pause for the memory of 2 weeks of frustration and $100 upgrade fee wasted). So I tried copying all the HotMetal files from my old computer to my new computer that were of a newer date. Now it works fine. Right click on the HotMetal icon and select "properties." Copy the program location into Windows Explorer without the "hmpro6.exe" part. This will bring up the directory. Now go back to the old computer. I am on a network, so I just enabled sharing on the HotMetal directory and copied all the files and folders over to the new computer. (I started with just the ones of a newer date, but then I got lazy and tried them all and it worked) Since I have a blindingly fast new computer HM works blindingly fast (sort of like it did on XP before all the XP patches slowed me down to a crawl). One unresolved issue is that the mouse wheel doesn't scroll any more on the new installation of HotMetaL. I'll work on that. If your old computer is toast, install HM6 on another XP computer, install the patches, and copy them over. Extending the life of HotMetal PROThe default template calls out an obsolete version of HTML in the document header as follows: "!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 FINAL//EN" "hmpro6.dtd"" (I had to leave off the carots < > from this or the browser has fits). This delcaration is crazy to begin with because even Softquad said that the hmpro7.dtd specification was their own special secret. We need a more up to date doctype declaration, like !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 5.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd" which is valid for all browsers and is up-to-date. Just trying to shove this into the header is awkward. The way to do this is to create a new template. Open a new file, and change the header. I also like to add the CSS links and a couple of server-side includes appropriate for the site I am designing. Then save the file in the template folder which is at Program Files (x86) -> softquad -> HotmMetal Pro 6 -> Template Save it in one of the subdirectories, the one labeled General will work. Then set this file as the default template by going to the HM6.0 program and clicking on tools -> options -> file Where is says "default template" pick "choose" and go find the template you just created. Now everytime you open a new page (cntrl-N) the new template will come up and you will be up to date. Running HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 on Vista. David in the UK is running it on Vista. He found that he has to set it to run on Administrator to avoid getting an error when dragging assets to the main screen. Olli from Germany has also been running on Vista, and after a year had some problems. This is how he solved them: Do you remember my posting on HoTMetaL Pro 6.0 under Vista? I have got good news! I tried to recall all the changes that happened on my system before the failure came up. While sitting on my desk and thinking my brand new graphics tablet came into my sight. I had installed it just before HMPro decided to stop working. And the first thing I did on my Vista was the clue to all these problems: I simply deactivated the tablet functionalities under Vista, new installed HMPro and now it works like it did before. Menus and Explorer based features are accessible again! And the good thing about it is, that the tablet still works perfect with its own Wacom-drivers. Only the handwriting recognition of Vista has gone now - a feature I really don't miss. HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 Update 3 Install Instructions Before you start This Update can be applied to the FCS ("First Customer Ship") version of HoTMetaL PRO 6.0, or any subsequent published Patch or Update to HoTMetaL PRO 6.0. It does not apply to pre-release ("Beta") versions or Evaluation versions. Before applying the Update, check the HoTMetaL PRO version number by choosing "About..." from the Help menu: - If you currently have one of the following versions of HoTMetaL PRO 6.0, you should apply the Update: * * * - If you currently have version of HoTMetaL PRO, you do not need to apply the Update, because this version already contains the relevant fixes. Since the installer works by updating existing HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 files, you must not de-install the software before applying the Update. It is not necessary to de-install at any point in the updating process. Note: the Update will fail if you have deleted the hmpro6.exe or hmpro6.hlp file. If you have deleted one of these files, you can restore it by re-installing HoTMetaL PRO from the CD. How to install the Update Download the patch 3 update file by clicking here. 1. After you have completed downloading the Update, the file "hm6upd3.exe" should be present on your PC. This file should have a size of 2918325 bytes. If the file has a smaller size, the download did not complete successfully: you must download the file again. 2. If you are running Windows NT, you must install this Update as "administrator". 3. Using Windows Explorer, double-click on "hm6upd3.exe" to install the Update files. The Update installer will prompt you for the location of your current version of HoTMetaL PRO 6.0. If you do not choose the correct folder, the Update will fail. 4. After the installation has completed, reboot your PC to ensure that all DLLs have been updated properly. 5. Clean up by deleting the file "hm6upd3.exe". Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 SoftQuad Software Inc. @(#)hm6upd3.txt 1.1 2000/03/17 HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 Update 4 Install Instructions Before you start ---------------- This Update can be applied to the FCS ("First Customer Ship") version of HoTMetaL PRO 6.0, or any subsequent published Patch or Update to HoTMetaL PRO 6.0. It does not apply to pre-release ("Beta") versions or Evaluation versions. Before applying the Update, check the HoTMetaL PRO version number by choosing "About..." from the Help menu: - If you currently have one of the following versions of HoTMetaL PRO 6.0,you should apply the Update: * * * * * - If you currently have version of HoTMetaL PRO, you do not need to apply the Update, because this version already contains the relevant fixes. Since the installer works by updating existing HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 files, you must not de-install the software before applying the Update. It is not necessary to de-install at any point in the updating process. Note: the Update will fail if you have deleted the hmpro6.exe or hmpro6.hlp file. If you have deleted one of these files, you can restore it by re-installing HoTMetaL PRO from the CD. How to install the Update Download patch 4 by clicking here 1. After you have completed downloading the Update, the file "hm6upd4.exe" should be present on your PC. This file should have a size of 4,084,273 bytes. If the file has a smaller size, the download did not complete successfully: you must download the file again. 2. If you are running Windows NT, you must install this Update as "administrator". 3. Using Windows Explorer, double-click on "hm6upd4.exe" to install the Update files. The Update installer will prompt you for the location of your current version of HoTMetaL PRO 6.0. If you do not choose the correct folder, the Update will fail. 4. After the installation has completed, reboot your PC to ensure that all DLLs have been updated properly. 5. Clean up by deleting the file "hm6upd4.exe". Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 SoftQuad Software, Ltd. @(#)hm6upd4.txt 1.1 2001/05/15 |
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