- Acetic acid from improperly treated separators 77
- Acetylene and Compressed Air Lead-burning Outfit 147
- Acid Carboys 184
- Acid. Handling and mixing 222
- Acid. How lost while battery is on car 57
- Acid. How to draw, from carboys 184
- Acid should never be added to battery on car 57
- Acid used instead of water 57
- Active materials. Composition of 13
- Active materials. Effect of quantity, porosity, and arrangement of, on capacity 42
- Active materials. Resistance of 49
- Age codes (Omitted)
- Age of battery. Determining 242 (Charts were omitted)
- Age of battery. Effect of, on capacity 47
- Alcohol torch lead-burning outfit 148
- Applying pastes to grids 11
- Arc lead-burning outfit 148
- Audion bulb for radio receiving sets 253
- Battery box should be kept clean and dry 51
- Battery carrier 173
- Battery case ( see Case ).
- Battery steamer 158
- Battery truck 173
- Battery turntable 170
- Bench charge 198 to 210
- Bench charge. Arrangement of batteries for 200
- Bench charge. Charging rates for 201
- Bench charge. Conditions preventing batteries from charging 206
- Bench charge. Conditions preventing gravity from rising 207
- Bench charge. If battery becomes too hot 205
- Bench charge. If battery will not hold a charge 208
- Bench charge. If battery will not take half a charge 205
- Bench charge. If current cannot be passed through battery 206
- Bench charge. If electrolyte has a milky appearance 206
- Bench charge. If gravity rises above 1.300 205
- Bench charge. If gravity rises long before voltage does 205
- Bench charge. If new battery will not charge 205
- Bench charge. If one cell will not charge 205
- Bench charge. If vinegar-like odor is detected 205
- Bench charge. Leave vent-plugs in when charging 209
- Bench charge. Level of electrolyte at end of 203
- Bench charge. Painting case after 203
- Bench charge. Specific gravity at end of 203
- Bench charge. Specific gravity will not rise to 1.280 204
- Bench charge. Suggestions for 209
- Bench charge. Temperatures of batteries during 202
- Bench charge. Time required for 203
- Bench charge. Troubles arising during 204
- Bench charge. Voltage at end of 203
- Bench charge. When necessary 198
- Bins for stock parts 158
- Book-keeping records 302 (Omitted)
- "Bone-dry" batteries. Putting into service 229
- Boxes for battery parts 183
- Buckling 72
- Buckling. Caused by charging at high rates 73
- Buckling. Caused by continued operation in discharged condition 73
- Buckling. Caused by defective grid alloy 73
- Buckling. Caused by non-uniform current distribution 73
- Buckling. Caused by overdischarge 73
- Buckling does not necessarily cause trouble 73
- Burning. ( See Lead-Burning ).
- Burning-lead mould 164
- Burning rack 162
- Business methods 299 to 312 (Omitted)
- Cadmium. What it is 176
- Cadmium leads. Connection of, to voltmeter 179
- Cadmium readings affected by improperly treated separators 181
- Cadmium readings. Conditions necessary to obtain good negative-cadmium readings 210
- Cadmium readings do not indicate capacity of a cell 175
- Cadmium readings on short-circuited cells 180
- Cadmium readings. Troubles shown by, on charge 206
- Cadmium readings. When they should be taken 176
- Cadmium test 174
- Cadmium test. How made 175
- Cadmium test on charging battery 181
- Cadmium test on discharging battery 180
- Cadmium test set. What it consists of 177
- Cadmium test voltmeter 178
- Calling for repair batteries 314
- Capacity. Effect of age of battery on 47 and 89
- Capacity. Effect of plate surface area on 42
- Capacity. Effect of clogged separators on 88
- Capacity. Effect of incorrect proportions of acid and acid in electrolyte on 88
- Capacity. Effect of low level of electrolyte on 88
- Capacity. Effect of operating conditions on 44
- Capacity. Effect of quantity and strength of electrolyte on 42
- Capacity. Effect of quantity, arrangement, and porosity of active materials on 42
- Capacity. Effect of rate of discharge on 44
- Capacity. Effect of reversal of plates on 89
- Capacity. Effect of shedding on 88
- Capacity. Effect of specific gravity on 43
- Capacity. Effect of temperature on 46
- Carbon-arc lead-burning outfit 148
- Carboys 184
- Care of battery on the car 51 to 68
- Care of battery when not in service 67
- Carrier for batteries 173
- Case. Cleaning and painting, after repairs 372
- Case manufacture 22
- Case. Painting, after bench charge 203
- Case. Repairing 360
- Case. Troubles indicated by rotted 319
- Case troubles 83
- Cases. Equipment for work on 98 and 170
- Casting plate grids 9
- Cell connector mould 168
- Cell connectors. Burning-on 213
- Cell connectors. Equipment for work on 98
- Cell connectors. How to remove 329
- Changing pastes into active materials 12
- Charge. (See Bench Charge.)
- Charge. Changes at negative plates during 30 and 39
- Charge. Changes at positive plates during 30 and 40
- Charge. Changes in acid density during 39
- Charge. Changes in voltage during 38
- Charge. Loss of, in an idle battery 89
- Charge. Preliminary, in rebuilding batteries 349
- Charge. Trickle 239
- Charging bench 133 to 139
- Charging bench. Arrangement of batteries on 200
- Charging bench. Temperature of batteries on 202
- Charging bench. Working drawings of 134 to 139
- Charging circuits. Drawings of 105
- Charging connections. Making temporary 220
- Charging. Constant potential 111
- Charging equipment for farm lighting batteries 439
- Charging equipment for starting batteries 100
- Charging farm lighting batteries 455
- Charging. Lamp-banks for 101
- Charging. Motor-generators for 106
- Charging rate. Adjusting 287
- Charging rate. Checking 283
- Charging rate. Governed by gassing 112 and 202
- Charging rate. How and when to adjust 289
- Charging rates for bench charge 112 and 201
- Charging rates for new Exide batteries 226
- Charging rates for new Philadelphia batteries 228
- Charging rates for new Prest-O-Lite batteries 234
- Charging rates on the car 283
- Charging rebuilt batteries 373
- Charging. Rheostats for 101
- Chemical actions and electricity. Relations between 31
- Chemical changes at the negatives during charge 30
- Chemical changes at the positives during charge 30
- Chemical changes at the negatives during discharge 29
- Chemical changes at the positives during discharge 29
- Chemical changes in the battery 27 to 31
- Composition of jars 16
- Composition of plate grids 9
- Compound. Scraping, from covers and jars 334
- Compressed air and hydrogen lead-burning outfit 147
- Compressed air and illuminating gas lead-burning outfit 149
- Condenser for making distilled water 160
- Connections. Making temporary, for charging 220
- Connectors. (See Cell Connectors .)
- Connector troubles 84
- Constant-potential charging 111
- Construction of plate grids 10
- Convenient method of adding water 56
- Corroded grids 77
- Corroded grids. Caused by age 78
- Corroded grids. Caused by high temperatures 78
- Corroded grids. Caused by impurities 78
- Corrosion 321
- Covers. Eveready 17
- Covers. Exide 19 and 21
- Covers. Functions of 16
- Covers. Gould 17
- Covers. How to remove 331
- Covers. Philadelphia diamond grid 16
- Covers. Prest-O-Lite 18 and 19
- Covers. Putting on the 365
- Covers. Sealing 366
- Covers. Single and double 16
- Covers. Steaming 332
- Covers. U.S.L. 18 and 20
- Covers. Vesta 18
- Covers. Westinghouse 417
- Covers. Willard 19
- Credit. Use and abuse of 301 (Omitted)
- Cutout. Checking action of 282?
- Cycling discharge tests 269
- Dead cells. Causes of 87
- Delco-Light batteries 466
- Delco-Light batteries. Ampere-hour meter for 467 and 471
- Delco-Light batteries. Burning-on new plates of 492
- Delco-Light batteries. Burning-on new straps for 488
- Delco-Light batteries. Care of cells of, in stock 493
- Delco-Light batteries. Charging, after reassembling 481
- Delco-Light batteries. Charging outside negatives of 484
- Delco-Light batteries. Clearing high resistance shorts in 484
- Delco-Light batteries. Clearing lug shorts in 484
- Delco-Light batteries. Dis-assembling 474
- Delco-Light batteries. Gauges and instruments for testing 466
- Delco-Light batteries. General complaints from users of 495
- Delco-Light batteries. Hydrometers for 468
- Delco-Light batteries. Inspection trips 470
- Delco-Light batteries. Pressing negatives of 485
- Delco-Light batteries. Putting repaired cells into service 484
- Delco-Light batteries. Re-assembling 477
- Delco-Light batteries. Removing impurities from 483
- Delco-Light batteries. Repairing broken posts of 487
- Delco-Light batteries. Repairing lead parts of 486
- Delco-Light batteries. Salvaging replaced cells of 486
- Delco-Light batteries. Taking, out of commission 494
- Delco-Light batteries. Treating broken cells of 482
- Delco-Light batteries. Treating spilled cells of 482
- Delco-Light batteries. Treating reversed cells of 483
- Delco-Light batteries. Use of auxiliary straps with 492
- Delco-Light batteries. When and how to charge 468
- Discharge apparatus 270
- Discharge. Changes at negative plates during 37
- Discharge. Changes at positive plates during 37
- Discharge. Changes in acid density during 35
- Discharge. Chemical actions at negative plates during 29
- Discharge. Chemical actions at positive plates during 29
- Discharge. Effects of rates of, on capacity 44
- Discharge. Voltage changes during 32
- Discharge tests. Cycling 269
- Discharge tests. Fifteen seconds 266
- Discharge tests. Lighting ability 267
- Discharge tests. Starting ability 267
- Distilled water. Condenser for making 160
- Dope electrolytes 59 and 199
- Double covers. Sealing 366
- Dry shipment of batteries 24
- Dry storage 240
- Dry storage batteries 265
- Earthenware jars 184
- Electrical system. Normal course of operation of 277
- Electrical system. Testing the 276
- Electrical system. Tests on, to be made by the repairman 279
- Electrical system. Troubles in the 284
- Electricity and chemical actions. Relation between 31
- Electrolyte. Adjusting the 373
- Electrolyte below tops of plates. Causes and results of 319 and 323
- Electrolyte. Causes of milky appearance of 206
- Electrolyte. Composition of 199 and 222
- Electrolyte. Correct height of, above plates 55
- Electrolyte. Effect of circulation of, on capacity 44
- Electrolyte. Effect of low 67
- Electrolyte. Effect of quantity and strength of, on capacity 42
- Electrolyte. Freezing points of 67
- Electrolyte. Leaking of, at top of cells 324
- Electrolyte. Level of, at end of bench charge 203
- Electrolyte. Resistance of 43 and 48
- Electrolyte troubles. High gravity 85
- Electrolyte troubles. High level 85
- Electrolyte troubles. Low gravity 85
- Electrolyte troubles. Low level 85
- Electrolyte troubles. Milky appearance 85
- Element. Tightening loose 363
- Elements. Re-assembling 361
- Equipment for discharge tests 270
- Equipment for general work 98
- Equipment for general work on connectors and terminals 98
- Equipment for handling sealing compound 149
- Equipment for lead-burning 97
- Equipment for work on cases 98 and 170
- Equipment needed in opening batteries 97
- Equipment which is absolutely necessary 96
- Eveready batteries. Claimed to be non-sulphating 401
- Eveready batteries. Description of parts 404
- Eveready batteries. Rebuilding 405
- Examining and testing incoming batteries 317
- Exide farm lighting batteries 466 to 498
- Exide radio batteries 257
- Exide starting batteries. Age code for 243 (Age code chart omitted)
- Exide starting batteries. Burning-on cell connectors of 382
- Exide starting batteries. Capacities of 381 (Chart omitted)
- Exide starting batteries. Charging, after repairing 382
- Exide starting batteries. Methods of holding jars of, in case 377
- Exide starting batteries. Opening of 377
- Exide starting batteries. Putting cells of, in case 382
- Exide starting batteries. Putting jars of, in case 382
- Exide starting batteries. Putting new, into service 225
- Exide starting batteries. Re-assembling plates of 379
- Exide starting batteries. Sealing single covers of 380
- Exide starting batteries. Type numbers of 377
- Exide starting batteries. Types of 375
- Exide starting batteries. Work on plates, separators, jars, and cases of 379
- Farm lighting batteries 435 to 510
- Farm lighting batteries. Care of, in operation 453
- Farm lighting batteries. Care of plant of, in operation 450
- Farm lighting batteries. Charging 453? or (455)
- Farm lighting batteries. Charging equipment for 439
- Farm lighting batteries. Determining condition of cells of 453
- Farm lighting batteries. Difference between, and starting batteries 435
- Farm lighting batteries. Discharge rules for 457
- Farm lighting batteries. Exide 466
- Farm lighting batteries. Initial charge of 448
- Farm lighting batteries. Installation of plant 445
- Farm lighting batteries. Instructing users of 449
- Farm lighting batteries. Jars used in 436
- Farm lighting batteries. Loads carried by 443 (Charts omitted)
- Farm lighting batteries. Location of plant 444
- Farm lighting batteries. Overcharge of 455
- Farm lighting batteries. Power consumed by appliances connected to 442
- Farm lighting batteries. Prest-O-Lite 460
- Farm lighting batteries. Selection of plant 440
- Farm lighting batteries. Separators for 438
- Farm lighting batteries. Size of plant required 442
- Farm lighting batteries. Specific gravity of electrolyte of 438
- Farm lighting batteries. Troubles with 458
- Farm lighting batteries. When to charge 455
- Farm lighting batteries. Wiring of plant for 444
- Filling and testing service 291
- Flames for lead-burning 211
- Floor. Care of 188
- Floor grating for shop 188
- Floor of shop 186
- Forming plates 11
- Freezing points of electrolyte 67
- Gassing causes shedding 74
- Gassing. Charging rate governed by 112 and 202
- Gassing. Definition of 31
- Gassing. Excessive, causes milky appearance of electrolyte 86
- Gassing of sulphated plates 40 and 75
- Gassing on charge 37? and 202
- Granulated negatives 78
- Granulated negatives. Caused by age 78
- Granulated negatives. Caused by heat 78
- Gravity. (See Specific Gravity).
- Grids. Casting 9
- Grids. Composition of 9
- Grids. Corroded 77
- Grids. Effect of age on 78 and 80 and 342? ( 344 )
- Grids. Effect of defective grid alloy on 73
- Grids. Effect of impurities on 77 and 78 and 80 and 342
- Grids. Effect of overheating on 78 and 80 and 342?
- Grids. Resistance of 48
- Grids. Trimming 10
- Handling and mixing acid 222
- Heating of negatives exposed to the air 78
- High rate discharge testers 181
- High rate discharge tests 266 and 267 and 374
- Home-made batteries 25
- Hydrogen and compressed air lead-burning outfit 147
- Hydrogen and oxygen lead-burning outfit 146
- Hydrometer. What it consists of 60
- Hydrometer readings. Effect of temperature on 65
- Hydrometer readings. How to take 61
- Idle battery. Care of 67
- Idle battery. How it becomes discharged 89
- Idle battery. How it sulphates 70
- Illuminating gas and compressed air lead-burning outfit 149
- Impurities 76
- Impurities which attack the plates 77
- Impurities which cause self-discharge 76
- Incoming batteries. Examining and testing 317
- Incoming batteries. General inspection of 320
- Incoming batteries. Operation tests on 320
- Incoming batteries. When it is necessary to open 326
- Incoming batteries. When it is necessary to remove from car 325
- Incoming batteries. When it is unnecessary to open 325
- Incoming batteries. When it is unnecessary to remove from car 324
- Installing battery on the car 236
- Internal resistance 48 to 50
- Isolators 408
- Inspection to determine height of electrolyte 55
- Jars. Construction of 16
- Jars. Filling with electrolyte 364
- Jars for farm lighting batteries 436
- Jars. Manufacture of 16
- Jars. Materials used for 16
- Jars. Removing defective 359
- Jars. Testing, for leaks 356
- Jars. Work on 356
- Jar troubles caused by explosion in cell 83
- Jar troubles caused by freezing 83
- Jar troubles caused by improperly trimmed groups 83
- Jar troubles caused by loose battery 82
- Jar troubles caused by rough handling 82
- Jar troubles caused by weights placed on top of battery 83
(No entries)
- Lead burning cell connectors 213
- Lead burning. Classes of 211
- Lead burning. Equipment for 97 and 143
- Lead burning. General instructions for 210 to 220
- Lead burning plates to straps 217
- Lead burning terminals 213
- Lead burning. Safety precautions for 213
- Lead melting pots 220
- Lead mould 164
- Lead moulding instructions 220
- Light for shop 187 and 190
- Loose active material 75
- Loose active material caused by buckling 76
- Loose active material caused by overdischarge 75
- Loss of capacity 88
- Loss of charge in an idle battery 89
- Lugs. Extending plate 219
- Manufacture of batteries 9 to 26
- Manufacture of batteries. Assembling and sealing 23
- Manufacture of batteries. Auxiliary rubber separators 15
- Manufacture of batteries. Cases 22
- Manufacture of batteries. Casting the grid 9
- Manufacture of batteries. Composition of the grid 9
- Manufacture of batteries. Covers 16
- Manufacture of batteries. Drying the pasted plates 12
- Manufacture of batteries. Forming the plates 12
- Manufacture of batteries. Home-made batteries 25
- Manufacture of batteries. Jars 16
- Manufacture of batteries. Materials used for separators 14
- Manufacture of batteries. Mixing pastes 11
- Manufacture of batteries. Paste formulas 11
- Manufacture of batteries. Pasting plates 11
- Manufacture of batteries. Philco slotted retainer 15
- Manufacture of batteries. Post seal 16
- Manufacture of batteries. Preparing batteries for dry shipment 24
- Manufacture of batteries. Separators 14
- Manufacture of batteries. Terminal connections 25
- Manufacture of batteries. Treating separators 14
- Manufacture of batteries. Trimming the grid 10
- Manufacture of batteries. Vent plugs 22
- Manufacture of batteries. Vesta impregnated mats 15
- Mechanical rectifier 131
- Melting pot for lead 220
- Mercury-Arc rectifier 129
- Milky electrolyte 206
- Motor-generators 106 to 112
- Motor-generators. Care of 110
- Motor-generators. Operating charging circuits of 109
- Motor-generators. Sizes for small and large shops 106
- Motor-generators. Suggestions on 108
- Moulding instructions 220
- Moulding materials 220
- Moulds. 164 to 170
- Moulds for building up posts 165
- Moulds for burning lead sticks 164
- Moulds for cell connectors 168
- Moulds for plate straps 167 and169
- Moulds for terminal screws 168
- Negative plates. Changes at, during charge 39
- Negative plates. Changes at, during discharge 37
- Negatives. Bulged 79
- Negatives. Granulated 78
- Negatives. Heating of, when exposed to the air 78
- Negatives with roughened surface 79
- Negatives with softened active material 79
- Negatives with hard active material 79
- Negatives. Washing and pressing 351
- New batteries. Putting, into service 224
- Non-sulphating Eveready batteries 402
- Open-circuits 86
- Open-circuits. Caused by acid on soldered joints 86
- Open-circuits. Caused by broken terminals 86
- Open-circuits. Caused by poor lead burning 86
- Opening batteries. Equipment needed in 97
- Opening batteries. Heating sealing compound 332
- Opening batteries. Instructions for 328
- Opening batteries. Pulling elements out of jars 333
- Opening batteries. Removing connectors and terminals 329
- Opening batteries. Removing post-seal 331
- Opening batteries. Scraping compound from covers 334
- Opening batteries. When necessary 326
- Opening batteries. When unnecessary 325
- Operating conditions. Effect of, on capacity 44
- Overdischarge causes sulphation 69
- Oxides used for plate pastes 11
- Oxygen and acetylene lead burning outfit 143
- Oxygen and hydrogen lead burning outfit 146
- Oxygen and illuminating gas lead burning outfit 146
- Packing batteries for shipping 271
- Painting case after bench charge 203
- Paraffine dip pot 182
- Paste formulas 11
- Pastes. Applying to grids 11
- Patent electrolytes 59
- Philadelphia radio batteries 260
- Philadelphia starting batteries. Age codes for 243
- Philadelphia starting batteries. Old type post seal for 398
- Philadelphia starting batteries. Putting new, into service 228
- Philadelphia starting batteries. Rubber cases for 401
- Philadelphia starting batteries. Rubber-Lockt seal 399
- Philadelphia starting batteries. Separators for 402
- Plante plates 27
- Plante's work on the storage battery 27
- Plate burning-rack 162
- Plate lugs. Extending 219
- Plate press 171
- Plate strap mould 167 and 169
- Plate surface area. Effect of, on capacity 42
- Plate troubles 69
- Plates. Burning, to straps 217 and 355
- Plates charged in wrong direction 81 and 343
- Plates. Examining, after opening battery 337
- Plates. Sulphated 342
- Plates. When old, may be used again 344
- Plates. When to put in new 339
- Positives. Buckled 80 and 341
- Positives. Changes at, during charge 40
- Positives. Changes at, during discharge 37
- Positives. Frozen 80 and 339
- Positives. Rotted, and disintegrated 80 and 341
- Positives. Washing 354
- Positives which have lost considerable active material 80
- Positives with hard active material 81
- Positives with soft active material. 80
- Post builders 165
- Post building instructions 218
- Post seal 17
- Post seal. Exide 19
- Post seal. Philadelphia 399
- Post seal. Prest-O-Lite 386
- Post seal. Titan 434
- Post seal. Universal 430
- Post seal. U.S.L. 18
- Post seal. Vesta 413
- Post seal. Westinghouse 417
- Post seal. Willard 424 to 428
- Posts. Burning, to plates 217
- Pots for melting lead 220
- Pressing plates 171
- Piest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries 460
- Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Descriptions 460
- Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Opening cells 464
- Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Putting repaired cell into service 465
- Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Rebuilding 464
- Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Specific gravity of electrolyte 461
- Prest-O-Lite radio batteries 262
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Age code for 244 (Omitted)
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peening instructions for 395
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Old style covers for 386
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peened post seal for 386
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peening posts of 391 and 394
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peening press for 390
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Post locking outfit for 388
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Putting new into service 233
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Rebuilding posts of 393
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Removing covers from 392
- Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Tables of 396 (Omitted)
- Primary cell 5
- Purchasing methods 299 (Omitted)
- Putting new batteries into service 224
(No entries)
- Radio audion bulb 253
- Radio batteries 252
- Radio batteries. Exide 257
- Radio batteries. General features of 255
- Radio batteries. Philadelphia 260
- Radio batteries. Prest-O-Lite 262
- Radio batteries. Universal 263
- Radio batteries. U. S. L. 261
- Radio batteries. Vesta 256
- Radio batteries. Westinghouse 259
- Radio batteries. Willard 257
- Radio receiving sets. Types of 252
- Rebuilding batteries 328 to (rest of chapter 15)
- Rebuilding batteries. Adjusting electrolyte 373
- Rebuilding batteries. Burning-on cell connectors 371
- Rebuilding batteries. Burning-on plates 355
- Rebuilding batteries. Charging rebuilt batteries 373
- Rebuilding batteries. Cleaning 329
- Rebuilding batteries. Cleaning and painting the case 372
- Rebuilding batteries. Determining repairs necessary 335
- Rebuilding batteries. Eliminating short-circuits 348
- Rebuilding batteries. Examining the plates 337
- Rebuilding batteries. Filling jars with electrolyte 364
- Rebuilding batteries. Heating sealing compound 332
- Rebuilding batteries. High rate discharge test 374
- Rebuilding batteries. Marking the repaired battery 372
- Rebuilding batteries. Preliminary charge 349
- Rebuilding batteries. Pressing negatives 351
- Rebuilding batteries. Pulling plates out of jars 333
- Rebuilding batteries. Putting elements in jars 362
- Rebuilding batteries. Putting on the covers 365
- Rebuilding batteries. Reassembling the elements 361
- Rebuilding batteries. Removing connectors and terminals 329
- Rebuilding batteries. Removing defective jars 359
- Rebuilding batteries. Removing post seal 331
- Rebuilding batteries. Repairing the case 360
- Rebuilding batteries. Scraping compound from covers and jars 334
- Rebuilding batteries. Sealing double covers 366
- Rebuilding batteries. Sealing single covers 371
- Rebuilding batteries. Testing jars 356
- Rebuilding batteries. Tightening loose elements 363
- Rebuilding batteries. Using 1.400 acid 364
- Rebuilding batteries. Washing negatives 351
- Rebuilding batteries. Washing positives 354
- Rebuilding batteries. When old plates may be used again 344
- Rebuilding batteries, When to put in new plates 339
- Rebuilding batteries. Work on jars 356
- Rectifier. Mechanical 131
- Rectifier. Mercury are 129
- Rectifier. Stahl 132
- Rectifier. Tungar 113
- Reinsulation 274
- Relations between chemical actions and electricity 31
- Rental batteries. General policy for 251
- Rental batteries. Marking 249 and 296
- Rental batteries. Record of 251
- Rental batteries. Stock card for 297 (Omitted very simple chart)
- Rental batteries. Terminals for 248
- Reversed plates 81 and 89
- Reversed-series generator. Adjusting 290
- S. A. E. ratings for batteries 45
- Safety first rules 275
- Safety precautions during lead-burning 213
- Screw mould .... 168
- Sealing around the posts 17
- Sealing compound. Composition of 150
- Sealing compound. Equipment for handling 149
- Sealing compound. Heating with electricity 333
- Sealing compound. Heating with gasoline torch 333
- Sealing compound. Heating with hot water 332
- Sealing compound. Heating with lead burning flame 333
- Sealing compound. Heating with steam 332
- Sealing compound. Instructions for heating properly 150
- Sealing compound. Removing with hot putty knife 332
- Secondary cell 5
- Sediment. Effect of excessive 87
- Separator cutter 171
- Separator troubles 81 and 346
- Separators for farm lighting batteries 438
- Separators. Improperly treated, cause unsatisfactory negative-cadmium readings 181
- Separators. Putting in new 274
- Separators. Storing 273
- Separators. Threaded rubber 430
- Service records 293
- Shedding 74
- Shedding caused by charging only a portion of the plate 75
- Shedding caused by charging sulphated plate at too high a rate 74
- Shedding caused by excessive charging rate 74
- Shedding caused by freezing 75
- Shedding caused by overcharging 74
- Shedding. Normal 74
- Shedding. Result of 74
- Shelving and racks 152
- Shipping batteries 271
- Shop equipment 95
- Shop equipment for charging 100
- Shop equipment for general work 98
- Shop equipment for lead-burning 97
- Shop equipment for opening batteries 97
- Shop equipment for work on cases 98
- Shop equipment for work on connectors and terminals 98
- Shop equipment which is absolutely necessary 96
- Shop floor 186 187?
- Shop layouts 187? 189 to 196
- Shop light 190? 191
- Short-circuits. Eliminating 348
- Single covers. Scaling 371
- Sink. Working drawings of 144 and 145
- Specific gravity at end of bench charge 203
- Specific gravity. Changes in, during charge 39
- Specific gravity. Changes in, during discharge 35
- Specific gravity. Definition of 60
- Specific gravity. Effect of, on capacity 43
- Specific gravity in farm lighting cells 438
- Specific gravity. Limits of, during charge and discharge 43
- Specific gravity rises above 1.300 205
- Specific gravity rises long before voltage on charge 205
- Specific gravity should be measured every two weeks 60
- Specific gravity. What determines, of fully charged cell 438
- Specific gravity. What different values of, indicate 60
- Specific gravity. Why 1.280-1.300 indicates fully charged cell 43
- Specific gravity will not rise to 1.280 204
- Specific gravity readings. Effect of temperature on 65
- Specific gravity readings. How to take 61
- Specific gravity readings. If above 1.300 318 and 323
- Specific gravity readings. If all above 1.200 318
- Specific gravity readings. If below 1.150 in all cells 318 and 321?
- Specific gravity readings. If between 1.150 and 1.200 in all cells 318 and 321?
- Specific gravity readings. If unequal 318 and 322
- Specific gravity readings. Troubles indicated by 63
- Stahl rectifier 132
- Starting ability discharge test 267
- Steamer 158
- Steps in the use of electricity on the automobile 1
- Storage battery does not "store" electricity 6
- Storage cell 5
- Storing batteries dry 240
- Storing batteries wet 239
- Strap. Burning plates to 217
- Strap mould 167 and 169
- Sulphate. Effect of, on voltage during discharge 32
- Sulphation. Caused by adding acid 72
- Sulphation. Caused by battery standing idle 70
- Sulphation. Caused by impurities 72
- Sulphation. Caused by low electrolyte 71
- Sulphation. Caused by overdischarge 69
- Sulphation. Caused by overheating 72
- Sulphation. Caused by starvation 71
- Temperature. Cause of high, on car 324
- Temperature corrections in specific gravity readings 65
- Temperature. Effect of, on battery operation 66
- Temperature. Effect of, on capacity 46
- Temperature of batteries on charging bench 202
- Terminal connections 25
- Terminals. Burning-on 213
- Terminals for rental batteries 248
- Testing and examining incoming batteries 317
- Testing and filling service 291
- Testing the electrical system 276
- Third brush generator. Adjusting 289
- Threaded rubber separators 430
- Time required for bench charge 203
- Titan batteries 432
- Titan batteries. Age code for 245 (Omitted)
- Treating separators 14
- Trickle charge 239
- Trimming plate grids 10
- Trouble charts 321
- Troubles arising during bench charge 204
- Troubles. Battery 69
- Trucks for batteries 173
- Tungar rectifier. Battery connections of 127
- Tungar rectifier. Four battery 119
- Tungar rectifier. General instructions for 126
- Tungar rectifier. Half-wave and full-wave 114 and 115
- Tungar rectifier. Installation of 126
- Tungar rectifier. Line connections of 127
- Tungar rectifier. One battery 117
- Tungar rectifier. Operation of 128
- Tungar rectifier. Principle of 113
- Tungar rectifier. Ten battery 120
- Tungar rectifier. Troubles with 128
- Tungar rectifier. Twenty battery 122
- Tungar rectifier. Two ampere 116
- Tungar rectifier. Two battery 118
- Turntable for batteries 170
- Universal radio batteries 263
- Universal starting batteries 430
- Universal starting batteries. Construction features of 430
- Universal starting batteries. Putting new, into service 431
- Universal starting batteries. Types 430
- U. S. L. radio batteries. 261
- U. S. L. starting batteries. Age code for 246 (Omitted)
- U. S. L. starting batteries. Special instructions for 382
- U. S. L. starting batteries. Tables of 384 (Omitted)
- U. S. L. vent tube construction 20
- Vent plugs should be left in place during charge 209
- Vent tube construction 20
- Vesta radio batteries 256
- Vesta starting batteries 408
- Vesta starting batteries. Age code for 246 (Omitted)
- Vesta starting batteries. Isolators for 408
- Vesta starting batteries. Post seal 413
- Vesta starting batteries. Putting new, into service 227
- Vesta starting batteries. Separators 413 and 415
- Vesta starting batteries. Type D 409
- Vesta starting batteries. Type DJ 412
- Vibrating regulators. Adjusting 290
- Vinegar-like odor. Cause of 205
- Voltage. Causes of low 321
- Voltage changes during charge 38
- Voltage changes during discharge 32
- Voltage, limiting value of, on discharge 34
- Voltage of cell. Factors determining 34
- Voltage of a fully charged cell 203
- Voltage readings at end of bench charge 203
- Voltage readings on open circuit worthless 177
- Voltaic cell 4
- Wash tank. Working drawings of 144
- Water. Condenser for distilled 160
- Westinghouse farm lighting batteries 498
- Westinghouse radio batteries 259
- Westinghouse starting batteries 417
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Age code for 247 (Omitted)
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Plates for 418
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Post seal for 417
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Putting new, into service 231
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type A 418
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type B 419
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type C 420
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type E 420
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type F 423
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type H 421
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type J 422
- Westinghouse starting batteries. Type 0 422
- Wet batteries. Putting new, into service 225
- Wet storage 239
- What's wrong with the battery 313 to 327
- When it is unnecessary to open battery 325
- When may battery be left on car 324
- When must battery be opened 326
- When should battery be removed from car 325
- Willard farm-lighting batteries 503? 502
- Willard radio batteries 257
- Willard starting batteries. Age code for 247 (Omitted)
- Willard starting batteries. Bone-dry 24
- Willard starting batteries. Putting new, into service 229
- Willard starting batteries with compound sealed post 424
- Willard starting batteries with gasket post seal 428
- Willard starting batteries with lead cover-inserts 424
- Willard threaded-rubber separators 430
- Working drawings of bins for stock 158
- Working drawings of charging bench 134 to 139
- Working drawings of flash-back tank 147
- Working drawings of shelving and racks 153 to 157
- Working drawings of shop layouts 189 to 196
- Working drawings of steamer bench 161
- Working drawings of wash tank 144 and 145
- Working drawings of work bench 140 and 141
(No entries under X, Y or Z)
Page numbers by chapter
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page 4 |
page 9 |
page 27 |
page 32 |
page 38 |
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page 48 |
page 51 |
page 69 |
page 95 |
page 198 |
Chapter 13 |
page 299 |
page 313 |
page 328 |
page 375 |
page 435 |
page 511 |