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Acetic acid from improperly treated separators 77
Acetylene and Compressed Air Lead-burning Outfit 147
Acid Carboys 184
Acid. Handling and mixing 222
Acid. How lost while battery is on car 57
Acid. How to draw, from carboys 184
Acid should never be added to battery on car 57
Acid used instead of water 57
Active materials. Composition of 13
Active materials. Effect of quantity, porosity, and arrangement of, on capacity 42
Active materials. Resistance of 49
Age codes (Omitted)
Age of battery. Determining 242 (Charts were omitted)
Age of battery. Effect of, on capacity 47
Alcohol torch lead-burning outfit 148
Applying pastes to grids 11
Arc lead-burning outfit 148
Audion bulb for radio receiving sets 253


Battery box should be kept clean and dry 51
Battery carrier 173
Battery case ( see Case ).
Battery steamer 158
Battery truck 173
Battery turntable 170
Bench charge 198 to 210
Bench charge. Arrangement of batteries for 200
Bench charge. Charging rates for 201
Bench charge. Conditions preventing batteries from charging 206
Bench charge. Conditions preventing gravity from rising 207
Bench charge. If battery becomes too hot 205
Bench charge. If battery will not hold a charge 208
Bench charge. If battery will not take half a charge 205
Bench charge. If current cannot be passed through battery 206
Bench charge. If electrolyte has a milky appearance 206
Bench charge. If gravity rises above 1.300 205
Bench charge. If gravity rises long before voltage does 205
Bench charge. If new battery will not charge 205
Bench charge. If one cell will not charge 205
Bench charge. If vinegar-like odor is detected 205
Bench charge. Leave vent-plugs in when charging 209
Bench charge. Level of electrolyte at end of 203
Bench charge. Painting case after 203
Bench charge. Specific gravity at end of 203
Bench charge. Specific gravity will not rise to 1.280 204
Bench charge. Suggestions for 209
Bench charge. Temperatures of batteries during 202
Bench charge. Time required for 203
Bench charge. Troubles arising during 204
Bench charge. Voltage at end of 203
Bench charge. When necessary 198
Bins for stock parts 158
Book-keeping records 302 (Omitted)
"Bone-dry" batteries. Putting into service 229
Boxes for battery parts 183
Buckling 72
Buckling. Caused by charging at high rates 73
Buckling. Caused by continued operation in discharged condition 73
Buckling. Caused by defective grid alloy 73
Buckling. Caused by non-uniform current distribution 73
Buckling. Caused by overdischarge 73
Buckling does not necessarily cause trouble 73
Burning. ( See Lead-Burning ).
Burning-lead mould 164
Burning rack 162
Business methods 299 to 312 (Omitted)


Cadmium. What it is 176
Cadmium leads. Connection of, to voltmeter 179
Cadmium readings affected by improperly treated separators 181
Cadmium readings. Conditions necessary to obtain good negative-cadmium readings 210
Cadmium readings do not indicate capacity of a cell 175
Cadmium readings on short-circuited cells 180
Cadmium readings. Troubles shown by, on charge 206
Cadmium readings. When they should be taken 176
Cadmium test 174
Cadmium test. How made 175
Cadmium test on charging battery 181
Cadmium test on discharging battery 180
Cadmium test set. What it consists of 177
Cadmium test voltmeter 178
Calling for repair batteries 314
Capacity. Effect of age of battery on 47 and 89
Capacity. Effect of plate surface area on 42
Capacity. Effect of clogged separators on 88
Capacity. Effect of incorrect proportions of acid and acid in electrolyte on 88
Capacity. Effect of low level of electrolyte on 88
Capacity. Effect of operating conditions on 44
Capacity. Effect of quantity and strength of electrolyte on 42
Capacity. Effect of quantity, arrangement, and porosity of active materials on 42
Capacity. Effect of rate of discharge on 44
Capacity. Effect of reversal of plates on 89
Capacity. Effect of shedding on 88
Capacity. Effect of specific gravity on 43
Capacity. Effect of temperature on 46
Carbon-arc lead-burning outfit 148
Carboys 184
Care of battery on the car 51 to 68
Care of battery when not in service 67
Carrier for batteries 173
Case. Cleaning and painting, after repairs 372
Case manufacture 22
Case. Painting, after bench charge 203
Case. Repairing 360
Case. Troubles indicated by rotted 319
Case troubles 83
Cases. Equipment for work on 98 and 170
Casting plate grids 9
Cell connector mould 168
Cell connectors. Burning-on 213
Cell connectors. Equipment for work on 98
Cell connectors. How to remove 329
Changing pastes into active materials 12
Charge. (See Bench Charge.)
Charge. Changes at negative plates during 30 and 39
Charge. Changes at positive plates during 30 and 40
Charge. Changes in acid density during 39
Charge. Changes in voltage during 38
Charge. Loss of, in an idle battery 89
Charge. Preliminary, in rebuilding batteries 349
Charge. Trickle 239
Charging bench 133 to 139
Charging bench. Arrangement of batteries on 200
Charging bench. Temperature of batteries on 202
Charging bench. Working drawings of 134 to 139
Charging circuits. Drawings of 105
Charging connections. Making temporary 220
Charging. Constant potential 111
Charging equipment for farm lighting batteries 439
Charging equipment for starting batteries 100
Charging farm lighting batteries 455
Charging. Lamp-banks for 101
Charging. Motor-generators for 106
Charging rate. Adjusting 287
Charging rate. Checking 283
Charging rate. Governed by gassing 112 and 202
Charging rate. How and when to adjust 289
Charging rates for bench charge 112 and 201
Charging rates for new Exide batteries 226
Charging rates for new Philadelphia batteries 228
Charging rates for new Prest-O-Lite batteries 234
Charging rates on the car 283
Charging rebuilt batteries 373
Charging. Rheostats for 101
Chemical actions and electricity. Relations between 31
Chemical changes at the negatives during charge 30
Chemical changes at the positives during charge 30
Chemical changes at the negatives during discharge 29
Chemical changes at the positives during discharge 29
Chemical changes in the battery 27 to 31
Composition of jars 16
Composition of plate grids 9
Compound. Scraping, from covers and jars 334
Compressed air and hydrogen lead-burning outfit 147
Compressed air and illuminating gas lead-burning outfit 149
Condenser for making distilled water 160
Connections. Making temporary, for charging 220
Connectors. (See Cell Connectors .)
Connector troubles 84
Constant-potential charging 111
Construction of plate grids 10
Convenient method of adding water 56
Corroded grids 77
Corroded grids. Caused by age 78
Corroded grids. Caused by high temperatures 78
Corroded grids. Caused by impurities 78
Corrosion 321
Covers. Eveready 17
Covers. Exide 19 and 21
Covers. Functions of 16
Covers. Gould 17
Covers. How to remove 331
Covers. Philadelphia diamond grid 16
Covers. Prest-O-Lite 18 and 19
Covers. Putting on the 365
Covers. Sealing 366
Covers. Single and double 16
Covers. Steaming 332
Covers. U.S.L. 18 and 20
Covers. Vesta 18
Covers. Westinghouse 417
Covers. Willard 19
Credit. Use and abuse of 301 (Omitted)
Cutout. Checking action of 282?
Cycling discharge tests 269


Dead cells. Causes of 87
Delco-Light batteries 466
Delco-Light batteries. Ampere-hour meter for 467 and 471
Delco-Light batteries. Burning-on new plates of 492
Delco-Light batteries. Burning-on new straps for 488
Delco-Light batteries. Care of cells of, in stock 493
Delco-Light batteries. Charging, after reassembling 481
Delco-Light batteries. Charging outside negatives of 484
Delco-Light batteries. Clearing high resistance shorts in 484
Delco-Light batteries. Clearing lug shorts in 484
Delco-Light batteries. Dis-assembling 474
Delco-Light batteries. Gauges and instruments for testing 466
Delco-Light batteries. General complaints from users of 495
Delco-Light batteries. Hydrometers for 468
Delco-Light batteries. Inspection trips 470
Delco-Light batteries. Pressing negatives of 485
Delco-Light batteries. Putting repaired cells into service 484
Delco-Light batteries. Re-assembling 477
Delco-Light batteries. Removing impurities from 483
Delco-Light batteries. Repairing broken posts of 487
Delco-Light batteries. Repairing lead parts of 486
Delco-Light batteries. Salvaging replaced cells of 486
Delco-Light batteries. Taking, out of commission 494
Delco-Light batteries. Treating broken cells of 482
Delco-Light batteries. Treating spilled cells of 482
Delco-Light batteries. Treating reversed cells of 483
Delco-Light batteries. Use of auxiliary straps with 492
Delco-Light batteries. When and how to charge 468
Discharge apparatus 270
Discharge. Changes at negative plates during 37
Discharge. Changes at positive plates during 37
Discharge. Changes in acid density during 35
Discharge. Chemical actions at negative plates during 29
Discharge. Chemical actions at positive plates during 29
Discharge. Effects of rates of, on capacity 44
Discharge. Voltage changes during 32
Discharge tests. Cycling 269
Discharge tests. Fifteen seconds 266
Discharge tests. Lighting ability 267
Discharge tests. Starting ability 267
Distilled water. Condenser for making 160
Dope electrolytes 59 and 199
Double covers. Sealing 366
Dry shipment of batteries 24
Dry storage 240
Dry storage batteries 265


Earthenware jars 184
Electrical system. Normal course of operation of 277
Electrical system. Testing the 276
Electrical system. Tests on, to be made by the repairman 279
Electrical system. Troubles in the 284
Electricity and chemical actions. Relation between 31
Electrolyte. Adjusting the 373
Electrolyte below tops of plates. Causes and results of 319 and 323
Electrolyte. Causes of milky appearance of 206
Electrolyte. Composition of 199 and 222
Electrolyte. Correct height of, above plates 55
Electrolyte. Effect of circulation of, on capacity 44
Electrolyte. Effect of low 67
Electrolyte. Effect of quantity and strength of, on capacity 42
Electrolyte. Freezing points of 67
Electrolyte. Leaking of, at top of cells 324
Electrolyte. Level of, at end of bench charge 203
Electrolyte. Resistance of 43 and 48
Electrolyte troubles. High gravity 85
Electrolyte troubles. High level 85
Electrolyte troubles. Low gravity 85
Electrolyte troubles. Low level 85
Electrolyte troubles. Milky appearance 85
Element. Tightening loose 363
Elements. Re-assembling 361
Equipment for discharge tests 270
Equipment for general work 98
Equipment for general work on connectors and terminals 98
Equipment for handling sealing compound 149
Equipment for lead-burning 97
Equipment for work on cases 98 and 170
Equipment needed in opening batteries 97
Equipment which is absolutely necessary 96
Eveready batteries. Claimed to be non-sulphating 401
Eveready batteries. Description of parts 404
Eveready batteries. Rebuilding 405
Examining and testing incoming batteries 317
Exide farm lighting batteries 466 to 498
Exide radio batteries 257
Exide starting batteries. Age code for 243 (Age code chart omitted)
Exide starting batteries. Burning-on cell connectors of 382
Exide starting batteries. Capacities of 381 (Chart omitted)
Exide starting batteries. Charging, after repairing 382
Exide starting batteries. Methods of holding jars of, in case 377
Exide starting batteries. Opening of 377
Exide starting batteries. Putting cells of, in case 382
Exide starting batteries. Putting jars of, in case 382
Exide starting batteries. Putting new, into service 225
Exide starting batteries. Re-assembling plates of 379
Exide starting batteries. Sealing single covers of 380
Exide starting batteries. Type numbers of 377
Exide starting batteries. Types of 375
Exide starting batteries. Work on plates, separators, jars, and cases of 379


Farm lighting batteries 435 to 510
Farm lighting batteries. Care of, in operation 453
Farm lighting batteries. Care of plant of, in operation 450
Farm lighting batteries. Charging 453? or (455)
Farm lighting batteries. Charging equipment for 439
Farm lighting batteries. Determining condition of cells of 453
Farm lighting batteries. Difference between, and starting batteries 435
Farm lighting batteries. Discharge rules for 457
Farm lighting batteries. Exide 466
Farm lighting batteries. Initial charge of 448
Farm lighting batteries. Installation of plant 445
Farm lighting batteries. Instructing users of 449
Farm lighting batteries. Jars used in 436
Farm lighting batteries. Loads carried by 443 (Charts omitted)
Farm lighting batteries. Location of plant 444
Farm lighting batteries. Overcharge of 455
Farm lighting batteries. Power consumed by appliances connected to 442
Farm lighting batteries. Prest-O-Lite 460
Farm lighting batteries. Selection of plant 440
Farm lighting batteries. Separators for 438
Farm lighting batteries. Size of plant required 442
Farm lighting batteries. Specific gravity of electrolyte of 438
Farm lighting batteries. Troubles with 458
Farm lighting batteries. When to charge 455
Farm lighting batteries. Wiring of plant for 444
Filling and testing service 291
Flames for lead-burning 211
Floor. Care of 188
Floor grating for shop 188
Floor of shop 186
Forming plates 11
Freezing points of electrolyte 67


Gassing causes shedding 74
Gassing. Charging rate governed by 112 and 202
Gassing. Definition of 31
Gassing. Excessive, causes milky appearance of electrolyte 86
Gassing of sulphated plates 40 and 75
Gassing on charge 37? and 202
Granulated negatives 78
Granulated negatives. Caused by age 78
Granulated negatives. Caused by heat 78
Gravity. (See Specific Gravity).
Grids. Casting 9
Grids. Composition of 9
Grids. Corroded 77
Grids. Effect of age on 78 and 80 and 342? ( 344 )
Grids. Effect of defective grid alloy on 73
Grids. Effect of impurities on 77 and 78 and 80 and 342
Grids. Effect of overheating on 78 and 80 and 342?
Grids. Resistance of 48
Grids. Trimming 10


Handling and mixing acid 222
Heating of negatives exposed to the air 78
High rate discharge testers 181
High rate discharge tests 266 and 267 and 374
Home-made batteries 25
Hydrogen and compressed air lead-burning outfit 147
Hydrogen and oxygen lead-burning outfit 146
Hydrometer. What it consists of 60
Hydrometer readings. Effect of temperature on 65
Hydrometer readings. How to take 61


Idle battery. Care of 67
Idle battery. How it becomes discharged 89
Idle battery. How it sulphates 70
Illuminating gas and compressed air lead-burning outfit 149
Impurities 76
Impurities which attack the plates 77
Impurities which cause self-discharge 76
Incoming batteries. Examining and testing 317
Incoming batteries. General inspection of 320
Incoming batteries. Operation tests on 320
Incoming batteries. When it is necessary to open 326
Incoming batteries. When it is necessary to remove from car 325
Incoming batteries. When it is unnecessary to open 325
Incoming batteries. When it is unnecessary to remove from car 324
Installing battery on the car 236
Internal resistance 48 to 50
Isolators 408
Inspection to determine height of electrolyte 55


Jars. Construction of 16
Jars. Filling with electrolyte 364
Jars for farm lighting batteries 436
Jars. Manufacture of 16
Jars. Materials used for 16
Jars. Removing defective 359
Jars. Testing, for leaks 356
Jars. Work on 356
Jar troubles caused by explosion in cell 83
Jar troubles caused by freezing 83
Jar troubles caused by improperly trimmed groups 83
Jar troubles caused by loose battery 82
Jar troubles caused by rough handling 82
Jar troubles caused by weights placed on top of battery 83


(No entries)


Lead burning cell connectors 213
Lead burning. Classes of 211
Lead burning. Equipment for 97 and 143
Lead burning. General instructions for 210 to 220
Lead burning plates to straps 217
Lead burning terminals 213
Lead burning. Safety precautions for 213
Lead melting pots 220
Lead mould 164
Lead moulding instructions 220
Light for shop 187 and 190
Loose active material 75
Loose active material caused by buckling 76
Loose active material caused by overdischarge 75
Loss of capacity 88
Loss of charge in an idle battery 89
Lugs. Extending plate 219


Manufacture of batteries 9 to 26
Manufacture of batteries. Assembling and sealing 23
Manufacture of batteries. Auxiliary rubber separators 15
Manufacture of batteries. Cases 22
Manufacture of batteries. Casting the grid 9
Manufacture of batteries. Composition of the grid 9
Manufacture of batteries. Covers 16
Manufacture of batteries. Drying the pasted plates 12
Manufacture of batteries. Forming the plates 12
Manufacture of batteries. Home-made batteries 25
Manufacture of batteries. Jars 16
Manufacture of batteries. Materials used for separators 14
Manufacture of batteries. Mixing pastes 11
Manufacture of batteries. Paste formulas 11
Manufacture of batteries. Pasting plates 11
Manufacture of batteries. Philco slotted retainer 15
Manufacture of batteries. Post seal 16
Manufacture of batteries. Preparing batteries for dry shipment 24
Manufacture of batteries. Separators 14
Manufacture of batteries. Terminal connections 25
Manufacture of batteries. Treating separators 14
Manufacture of batteries. Trimming the grid 10
Manufacture of batteries. Vent plugs 22
Manufacture of batteries. Vesta impregnated mats 15
Mechanical rectifier 131
Melting pot for lead 220
Mercury-Arc rectifier 129
Milky electrolyte 206
Motor-generators 106 to 112
Motor-generators. Care of 110
Motor-generators. Operating charging circuits of 109
Motor-generators. Sizes for small and large shops 106
Motor-generators. Suggestions on 108
Moulding instructions 220
Moulding materials 220
Moulds. 164 to 170
Moulds for building up posts 165
Moulds for burning lead sticks 164
Moulds for cell connectors 168
Moulds for plate straps 167 and169
Moulds for terminal screws 168


Negative plates. Changes at, during charge 39
Negative plates. Changes at, during discharge 37
Negatives. Bulged 79
Negatives. Granulated 78
Negatives. Heating of, when exposed to the air 78
Negatives with roughened surface 79
Negatives with softened active material 79
Negatives with hard active material 79
Negatives. Washing and pressing 351
New batteries. Putting, into service 224
Non-sulphating Eveready batteries 402


Open-circuits 86
Open-circuits. Caused by acid on soldered joints 86
Open-circuits. Caused by broken terminals 86
Open-circuits. Caused by poor lead burning 86
Opening batteries. Equipment needed in 97
Opening batteries. Heating sealing compound 332
Opening batteries. Instructions for 328
Opening batteries. Pulling elements out of jars 333
Opening batteries. Removing connectors and terminals 329
Opening batteries. Removing post-seal 331
Opening batteries. Scraping compound from covers 334
Opening batteries. When necessary 326
Opening batteries. When unnecessary 325
Operating conditions. Effect of, on capacity 44
Overdischarge causes sulphation 69
Oxides used for plate pastes 11
Oxygen and acetylene lead burning outfit 143
Oxygen and hydrogen lead burning outfit 146
Oxygen and illuminating gas lead burning outfit 146


Packing batteries for shipping 271
Painting case after bench charge 203
Paraffine dip pot 182
Paste formulas 11
Pastes. Applying to grids 11
Patent electrolytes 59
Philadelphia radio batteries 260
Philadelphia starting batteries. Age codes for 243
Philadelphia starting batteries. Old type post seal for 398
Philadelphia starting batteries. Putting new, into service 228
Philadelphia starting batteries. Rubber cases for 401
Philadelphia starting batteries. Rubber-Lockt seal 399
Philadelphia starting batteries. Separators for 402
Plante plates 27
Plante's work on the storage battery 27
Plate burning-rack 162
Plate lugs. Extending 219
Plate press 171
Plate strap mould 167 and 169
Plate surface area. Effect of, on capacity 42
Plate troubles 69
Plates. Burning, to straps 217 and 355
Plates charged in wrong direction 81 and 343
Plates. Examining, after opening battery 337
Plates. Sulphated 342
Plates. When old, may be used again 344
Plates. When to put in new 339
Positives. Buckled 80 and 341
Positives. Changes at, during charge 40
Positives. Changes at, during discharge 37
Positives. Frozen 80 and 339
Positives. Rotted, and disintegrated 80 and 341
Positives. Washing 354
Positives which have lost considerable active material 80
Positives with hard active material 81
Positives with soft active material. 80
Post builders 165
Post building instructions 218
Post seal 17
Post seal. Exide 19
Post seal. Philadelphia 399
Post seal. Prest-O-Lite 386
Post seal. Titan 434
Post seal. Universal 430
Post seal. U.S.L. 18
Post seal. Vesta 413
Post seal. Westinghouse 417
Post seal. Willard 424 to 428
Posts. Burning, to plates 217
Pots for melting lead 220
Pressing plates 171
Piest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries 460
Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Descriptions 460
Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Opening cells 464
Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Putting repaired cell into service 465
Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Rebuilding 464
Prest-O-Lite farm lighting batteries. Specific gravity of electrolyte 461
Prest-O-Lite radio batteries 262
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Age code for 244 (Omitted)
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peening instructions for 395
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Old style covers for 386
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peened post seal for 386
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peening posts of 391 and 394
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Peening press for 390
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Post locking outfit for 388
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Putting new into service 233
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Rebuilding posts of 393
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Removing covers from 392
Prest-O-Lite starting batteries. Tables of 396 (Omitted)
Primary cell 5
Purchasing methods 299 (Omitted)
Putting new batteries into service 224


(No entries)


Radio audion bulb 253
Radio batteries 252
Radio batteries. Exide 257
Radio batteries. General features of 255
Radio batteries. Philadelphia 260
Radio batteries. Prest-O-Lite 262
Radio batteries. Universal 263
Radio batteries. U. S. L. 261
Radio batteries. Vesta 256
Radio batteries. Westinghouse 259
Radio batteries. Willard 257
Radio receiving sets. Types of 252
Rebuilding batteries 328 to (rest of chapter 15)
Rebuilding batteries. Adjusting electrolyte 373
Rebuilding batteries. Burning-on cell connectors 371
Rebuilding batteries. Burning-on plates 355
Rebuilding batteries. Charging rebuilt batteries 373
Rebuilding batteries. Cleaning 329
Rebuilding batteries. Cleaning and painting the case 372
Rebuilding batteries. Determining repairs necessary 335
Rebuilding batteries. Eliminating short-circuits 348
Rebuilding batteries. Examining the plates 337
Rebuilding batteries. Filling jars with electrolyte 364
Rebuilding batteries. Heating sealing compound 332
Rebuilding batteries. High rate discharge test 374
Rebuilding batteries. Marking the repaired battery 372
Rebuilding batteries. Preliminary charge 349
Rebuilding batteries. Pressing negatives 351
Rebuilding batteries. Pulling plates out of jars 333
Rebuilding batteries. Putting elements in jars 362
Rebuilding batteries. Putting on the covers 365
Rebuilding batteries. Reassembling the elements 361
Rebuilding batteries. Removing connectors and terminals 329
Rebuilding batteries. Removing defective jars 359
Rebuilding batteries. Removing post seal 331
Rebuilding batteries. Repairing the case 360
Rebuilding batteries. Scraping compound from covers and jars 334
Rebuilding batteries. Sealing double covers 366
Rebuilding batteries. Sealing single covers 371
Rebuilding batteries. Testing jars 356
Rebuilding batteries. Tightening loose elements 363
Rebuilding batteries. Using 1.400 acid 364
Rebuilding batteries. Washing negatives 351
Rebuilding batteries. Washing positives 354
Rebuilding batteries. When old plates may be used again 344
Rebuilding batteries, When to put in new plates 339
Rebuilding batteries. Work on jars 356
Rectifier. Mechanical 131
Rectifier. Mercury are 129
Rectifier. Stahl 132
Rectifier. Tungar 113
Reinsulation 274
Relations between chemical actions and electricity 31
Rental batteries. General policy for 251
Rental batteries. Marking 249 and 296
Rental batteries. Record of 251
Rental batteries. Stock card for 297 (Omitted very simple chart)
Rental batteries. Terminals for 248
Reversed plates 81 and 89
Reversed-series generator. Adjusting 290


S. A. E. ratings for batteries 45
Safety first rules 275
Safety precautions during lead-burning 213
Screw mould .... 168
Sealing around the posts 17
Sealing compound. Composition of 150
Sealing compound. Equipment for handling 149
Sealing compound. Heating with electricity 333
Sealing compound. Heating with gasoline torch 333
Sealing compound. Heating with hot water 332
Sealing compound. Heating with lead burning flame 333
Sealing compound. Heating with steam 332
Sealing compound. Instructions for heating properly 150
Sealing compound. Removing with hot putty knife 332
Secondary cell 5
Sediment. Effect of excessive 87
Separator cutter 171
Separator troubles 81 and 346
Separators for farm lighting batteries 438
Separators. Improperly treated, cause unsatisfactory negative-cadmium readings 181
Separators. Putting in new 274
Separators. Storing 273
Separators. Threaded rubber 430
Service records 293
Shedding 74
Shedding caused by charging only a portion of the plate 75
Shedding caused by charging sulphated plate at too high a rate 74
Shedding caused by excessive charging rate 74
Shedding caused by freezing 75
Shedding caused by overcharging 74
Shedding. Normal 74
Shedding. Result of 74
Shelving and racks 152
Shipping batteries 271
Shop equipment 95
Shop equipment for charging 100
Shop equipment for general work 98
Shop equipment for lead-burning 97
Shop equipment for opening batteries 97
Shop equipment for work on cases 98
Shop equipment for work on connectors and terminals 98
Shop equipment which is absolutely necessary 96
Shop floor 186 187?
Shop layouts 187? 189 to 196
Shop light 190? 191
Short-circuits. Eliminating 348
Single covers. Scaling 371
Sink. Working drawings of 144 and 145
Specific gravity at end of bench charge 203
Specific gravity. Changes in, during charge 39
Specific gravity. Changes in, during discharge 35
Specific gravity. Definition of 60
Specific gravity. Effect of, on capacity 43
Specific gravity in farm lighting cells 438
Specific gravity. Limits of, during charge and discharge 43
Specific gravity rises above 1.300 205
Specific gravity rises long before voltage on charge 205
Specific gravity should be measured every two weeks 60
Specific gravity. What determines, of fully charged cell 438
Specific gravity. What different values of, indicate 60
Specific gravity. Why 1.280-1.300 indicates fully charged cell 43
Specific gravity will not rise to 1.280 204
Specific gravity readings. Effect of temperature on 65
Specific gravity readings. How to take 61
Specific gravity readings. If above 1.300 318 and 323
Specific gravity readings. If all above 1.200 318
Specific gravity readings. If below 1.150 in all cells 318 and 321?
Specific gravity readings. If between 1.150 and 1.200 in all cells 318 and 321?
Specific gravity readings. If unequal 318 and 322
Specific gravity readings. Troubles indicated by 63
Stahl rectifier 132
Starting ability discharge test 267
Steamer 158
Steps in the use of electricity on the automobile 1
Storage battery does not "store" electricity 6
Storage cell 5
Storing batteries dry 240
Storing batteries wet 239
Strap. Burning plates to 217
Strap mould 167 and 169
Sulphate. Effect of, on voltage during discharge 32
Sulphation. Caused by adding acid 72
Sulphation. Caused by battery standing idle 70
Sulphation. Caused by impurities 72
Sulphation. Caused by low electrolyte 71
Sulphation. Caused by overdischarge 69
Sulphation. Caused by overheating 72
Sulphation. Caused by starvation 71


Temperature. Cause of high, on car 324
Temperature corrections in specific gravity readings 65
Temperature. Effect of, on battery operation 66
Temperature. Effect of, on capacity 46
Temperature of batteries on charging bench 202
Terminal connections 25
Terminals. Burning-on 213
Terminals for rental batteries 248
Testing and examining incoming batteries 317
Testing and filling service 291
Testing the electrical system 276
Third brush generator. Adjusting 289
Threaded rubber separators 430
Time required for bench charge 203
Titan batteries 432
Titan batteries. Age code for 245 (Omitted)
Treating separators 14
Trickle charge 239
Trimming plate grids 10
Trouble charts 321
Troubles arising during bench charge 204
Troubles. Battery 69
Trucks for batteries 173
Tungar rectifier. Battery connections of 127
Tungar rectifier. Four battery 119
Tungar rectifier. General instructions for 126
Tungar rectifier. Half-wave and full-wave 114 and 115
Tungar rectifier. Installation of 126
Tungar rectifier. Line connections of 127
Tungar rectifier. One battery 117
Tungar rectifier. Operation of 128
Tungar rectifier. Principle of 113
Tungar rectifier. Ten battery 120
Tungar rectifier. Troubles with 128
Tungar rectifier. Twenty battery 122
Tungar rectifier. Two ampere 116
Tungar rectifier. Two battery 118
Turntable for batteries 170


Universal radio batteries 263
Universal starting batteries 430
Universal starting batteries. Construction features of 430
Universal starting batteries. Putting new, into service 431
Universal starting batteries. Types 430
U. S. L. radio batteries. 261
U. S. L. starting batteries. Age code for 246 (Omitted)
U. S. L. starting batteries. Special instructions for 382
U. S. L. starting batteries. Tables of 384 (Omitted)
U. S. L. vent tube construction 20


Vent plugs should be left in place during charge 209
Vent tube construction 20
Vesta radio batteries 256
Vesta starting batteries 408
Vesta starting batteries. Age code for 246 (Omitted)
Vesta starting batteries. Isolators for 408
Vesta starting batteries. Post seal 413
Vesta starting batteries. Putting new, into service 227
Vesta starting batteries. Separators 413 and 415
Vesta starting batteries. Type D 409
Vesta starting batteries. Type DJ 412
Vibrating regulators. Adjusting 290
Vinegar-like odor. Cause of 205
Voltage. Causes of low 321
Voltage changes during charge 38
Voltage changes during discharge 32
Voltage, limiting value of, on discharge 34
Voltage of cell. Factors determining 34
Voltage of a fully charged cell 203
Voltage readings at end of bench charge 203
Voltage readings on open circuit worthless 177
Voltaic cell 4


Wash tank. Working drawings of 144
Water. Condenser for distilled 160
Westinghouse farm lighting batteries 498
Westinghouse radio batteries 259
Westinghouse starting batteries 417
Westinghouse starting batteries. Age code for 247 (Omitted)
Westinghouse starting batteries. Plates for 418
Westinghouse starting batteries. Post seal for 417
Westinghouse starting batteries. Putting new, into service 231
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type A 418
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type B 419
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type C 420
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type E 420
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type F 423
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type H 421
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type J 422
Westinghouse starting batteries. Type 0 422
Wet batteries. Putting new, into service 225
Wet storage 239
What's wrong with the battery 313 to 327
When it is unnecessary to open battery 325
When may battery be left on car 324
When must battery be opened 326
When should battery be removed from car 325
Willard farm-lighting batteries 503? 502
Willard radio batteries 257
Willard starting batteries. Age code for 247 (Omitted)
Willard starting batteries. Bone-dry 24
Willard starting batteries. Putting new, into service 229
Willard starting batteries with compound sealed post 424
Willard starting batteries with gasket post seal 428
Willard starting batteries with lead cover-inserts 424
Willard threaded-rubber separators 430
Working drawings of bins for stock 158
Working drawings of charging bench 134 to 139
Working drawings of flash-back tank 147
Working drawings of shelving and racks 153 to 157
Working drawings of shop layouts 189 to 196
Working drawings of steamer bench 161
Working drawings of wash tank 144 and 145
Working drawings of work bench 140 and 141


(No entries under X, Y or Z)

Page numbers by chapter

Chapter 1

page 1

Chapter 2

page 4

Chapter 3

page 9

Chapter 4

page 27

Chapter 5

page 32

Chapter 6

page 38

Chapter 7

page 41

Chapter 8

page 48

Chapter 9

page 51

Chapter 10

page 69

Chapter 11

page 95

Chapter 12

page 198

Chapter 13

page 299

Chapter 14

page 313

Chapter 15

page 328

Chapter 16

page 375

Chapter 17

page 435

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